Custom Waifumon NFTs

Custom Waifumon NFT based on you, or your friend or your NFT collection or brand.

Package 1. = Custom Waifumon Art
Package 2. = Custom Waifumon Art + made into NFT or NFTs and sent to you.
Package 3. = Custom Waifumon Art + made into NFT or NFTs and sent to you + AaronLeupp.eth will post as a give away on twitter and followers will have to follow your twitter to get. Package 4. = Custom Waifumon Art + made into NFT or NFTs and sent to you + AaronLeupp.eth will post as a give away on twitter and followers will have to follow your twitter to get. + AaronLeupp.eth will do video about it and the give away as well.

After purchase send order number, instructions, images and whatever you want us to make it to

Thank you!